Thursday, September 3, 2009


So, today is day 6 and I feel pretty good. I got up this morning feeling very well rested and ready for the day!!

For breakfast today I had a Oatmeal Raisin Crunch Bar and a glass of water. Then the kids and I headed to my moms house, today is her 55th birthday!!! Happy Birthday Mom!!!

For a mid morning snack I had the Honey Mustard Pretzels they are my favorite meal. Along with that I had a cup of coffee with a splenda sweetener.

For lunch I had 2ox of canned tuna with 1 pickle spear and a stalk of celery. I added a 1.2 tbs of mayo, it was really good and filling! I plan on havign the rest of my lean and green meal for dinner.

As far as my weight loss progress, I am scared to death to get on the scale Saturday morning. I am scared that there will be no change in my weight. Oh, my beginning weight was 295. I know that I will need to do my measurements too but I am still worried. I have not cheated, even though I have had so many temptations. Just making meals for my kids during the day is a challange. Like yesterday I made the kids peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and I had to leave the kitchen after I made them. The smell was so overwhelming!!!

My family is being very supportive, especially mom!! Justin my husband is even trying to eat what I eat for dinner, if I have my lean and green meal then. The kids Carter (4) and Bailey (2) are even cute about it, they say thing like mommy want to be healthy like us!!! I love them all so much.

I guess that is it for today!! See ya soon!


  1. Jen, I am looking forward to following your progress! You deserve to be happy and healthy. I am here for encouragement or support whenever you need it. Weight loss is such a personal struggle, one I am constantly struggling with. I think it is something that was passed down to all Oster women... :(
    Love you tons and cheering you on all the way!

  2. Cook Family, Thanks so much for all the encouraging words!!! I need to be healthy so I am here longer for my kids. I am sick of being overweight and depressed. I too think it isthe curse of the Oster family!!! lol :) Love you guys too... xoxo

  3. way to go Jennie, I am so proud of you,I know you can do this, and your life wiill be changed forever, your familie's too. Love Momma
